Friday, September 26, 2008

NOTE: To Miss Shah

Hi. Im sorry about the burst of writing but my computer had been infected with a virus and I was only just able to upload some of my work. I had mentioned this to you before but just incase. I still think somthing is missing but i couldn't find anything on your blog.


Salt salt...where did i put the salt?!
No point waking Akhtar. Spent the most time on that one, read to him, gave him more attention that the others, made sure he was spiritually aware and regular with his prayers, payed for his education and entertainment and what do I get for all my effort ? An agnostic who can't even get off his bum and get a job!!! How long am I expected to to slog like this. Im getting old and gone are the days when i could teach over 50 students a day and maintain my sanity! That reminds me I have to assign a substitue to Kashifa's class today. Poor woman's been ill for a while but her students are really suffering and its been 5 days now. I also have a meeting with the parents of those two boys who were caught listening to music during class. Now thats one thing I know Akhtar would never do, no matter what a rotter he is otherwise...
Toast, toast now where did I put that toast ?!?!?

Big River (haha)

It was a dull summer Sunday, the kind in which everyone just lies around the house, eating mangoes and cribbing about the heat. My father being the enthusiastic 'outdoor man' decided to take us to the beach. Mother being quite the opposite opted to stay home. She was content in the cool air and dim lighting of her bedroom reading a book. In the end it was just us boys.
The drive to the beach was long and tedious. Heat, smoke and the traffic made everyone rather cranky, specially my brother who was now regretting his decision to come. After what seemed like the longest time, we finally arrived at the river bank.
Stepping out of the vehicle I stretched and scanned my surroundings. It was clear that the gruelling drive was worth its while. Before me lay the river in all its magnificence, water gushing down the vast expanse of its banks, beyond which lay miles of grasslands, dotted with yellow and white flowers. The water was near violent crashing against the rocks, and creating a mist of spray that was carried toward the banks by the wind. The occasional trout would pop out of the water every now and then but the thought of getting wet wasn't very reassuring.
We set up under a tree some distance away from the river bank and spent the rest of the day eating and lazing about in the shade. I even worked up the courage to wear a life jacket and go for a dip in the river. Once in I stayed there until it was time to leave.
I don't think I did anything more pleasureable or fullfilling that summer!

Note: None of this is true as i had to stay close to the provided skeleton.

Monday, September 1, 2008

the cold

Its not about that dress you wear,
or the way you comb your hair,
for when i see you standing there,
i wish i couldn't see.

for days go by and yet you live,
your life drags on, if looks could kill,
i'd look you right in the eye,
until you ceased to be.

my head is split, and vision blurred,
my nose is runny its so absurd,
and this might be somthing you never heard
but youre like the cold to me.